Young eye, I'm standing here in anger and fear, my friends have left me behind in the darkness to cry., Young eye, Listen to me I'm the kid who learns differently., I'm going to tell you swiftly that it is hard to be in this position, especially in the young eye's vision., Even to not be a normal academic learner because I have a 100,000 miles to go as an academic learner who is slow., It hurts to be more different than my friends, especially when you are black., I'm standing here in anger and fear my friends have left me in the dark to cry., Young eye, you can never redeem your ADHD, cuz in a way it's key., It's a super power that you get and not everybody gets., All this academic stuff makes me go down a road that twirls, and if life cared I probably wouldn't be there., Oh yes I forgot, I cannot change the pathway of my brain., And yes it is a pain, but I need to refrain from going down the wrong road., So I guess I need more support to be in the normal learning town., All my friends are in the normal lounge and I'm still stuck struggling around., Mom, I am asking you why I'm standing here in anger and fear in the dark to cry.,

Young Eye Moses 2024


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