AB - Action by  Used with a timeline to notify the recipient that the sender needs a task completed within a specific deadline., AR - Action required Used to inform the recipient that they are given a task., BCC and CC - Blind carbon copy and Carbon copy. The email address in the CC field will be visible to every recipient of the email, but those in BCC will not be., EOD - End of day It is used when you want to send or receive something by the end of the day., EOW - End of week It is used when you want to send or receive something by the end of the week. In business emails, EOW refers to Friday., FYI - For your information When you want to share some helpful information that you think the recipient might now know of, you can use this acronym., FYG - For your guidance Used at the beginning of the subject line, commonly in business emails where the sender sends important information to the recipient to help them with their work., FAO - For the attention of When you need a specific person to read or take action mentioned in the email, you can use FAO in the email subject line. For example, Subject line: FAO - Mahtab, content team Please send the new hiring process guide by 2:00 pm tomorrow., IAM - In a meeting It is used informally to tell the recipient that the sender is in a meeting., NYR - Need your response Used in the subject line to tell the recipient that you require a response from them., NYRQ - Need your response quick, NYRT - Need your response today, NYR-NBD - Need your response - Next business day, NNTR - No need to respond, PFA - Please find the attachment When you send documents or a set of documents in the email, you should mention PFA to inform the recipient about the documents.,

Contractions in business emails

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