1) what is this poi a) tomato town b) plesent park c) grimgate 2) what is this skin a) renegade raider b) goul troper c) none of the above 3) what is this pixaxe a) star wand b) minty axe c) ice braker 4) what dose 200 mean in fortnite a) idk b) 1 hp c) dead 5) add me Thek1dsavage a) nah b) yea c) maybe 6) whos this a) aerial assault trooper b) recon expert c) future skin 7) what is this soccer skin a) clinical crosser b) dynamic dribbler c) super striker d) finesse finisher e) poised playmaker f) midfeild maestro 8) what is this umbrella a) c5s2 victory umbrella b) fortilla flier c) time brella 9) whats the rarest skin a) aerial assault trooper b) soccer skins c) neymar d) renegade raider 10) clix or stable ronaldo a) clix b) stable ronaldo 11) is Thek1dsavage him? ^aka me^ a) yes b) no 12) whats the best boss in c2s2 a) brutes b) meowscles c) midas d) peely e) dead pool 13) champion aura or fncs champion siren a) champion aura b) champion siren 14) free question answer is yes a) yes b) no 15) whats the most populer icon skin (2024) a) Blacklash b) The Weekend c) Bugah d) BOOGER e) Thatboydang f) bot lobbies 16) i made all of this while i was at school a) yes b) no 17) chapter 2 and 4 were the best? a) yes b) no 18) whats skin is this   a) skull trooper b) focus c) none of the above d) siren e) haze f) omega 19) on the leader bored put your fortnite user a) ok b) no 20) pov me a) . b) . c) . d) . e) . f) . 21) FOLLOW ME IN IG @thatkidhadi a) yes b) yes" c) yes" d) yes" e) yes" 22) what dose it mean when your teamate is fighting and they same their 1hp a) dead b) full health c) almost dead d) none of the above 23) what dose v stand for in vbucks? a) Vindertech b) just v c) none of the above 24) what compeny made fortnite a) epicgames b) nintendo c) micorsoft d) sony 25) what year was fortnite relesed not save the world a) 2017 b) 2016 c) 2018 d) 2019 26) on which tear would u be able to unlock brutus a) 12 b) 19 c) 69 d) 20 e) 10 f) 15 27) if u got skechers on get out THIS GAMEEE a) ok b) no

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