nightmare  - The trip was fine but the journey back was a complete (disaster)............................., charge - 2 On some airlines there’s now (a fee) for checking in, odd - 3 Don’t laugh -1 can’t see anything (funny) about losing your luggage..............................., option - 4 With this offer you get the (choice) of going by train instead of flying..............................., question - 5 The (issue) of funding for museums is often discussed., amusing - 6 All countries have their own (funny) little customs - it’s just something you have to get used to., straightforward - 7 Online booking is really (simple) with this website., generate - 8 The improvements were intended to (produce) extra income from tourism., advantage - 9 Being able to speak the language of the country you move to is a great (benefit)., rare - 10 Cases of people giving up and going home are (unusual), meant - Тhe improvements were (intended) to produce extra income from tourism.,

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