1) This particle has 7 protons and 8 electrons, so we would call it... a) An atom b) An ion c) A molecule d) A compound e) A Neutron 2) Non metals ______ electrons in their outer shell to form negative ions. a) have b) lose c) want d) gain e) keep 3) Metal atoms lose electrons from their outer shell to become _____________ ions. a) Positive b) Negative c) L d) champ e) Bryan 4) What type of bond is this? a) James b) Pond c) Ionic d) Covalent e) Magnetic 5) Hydrogen, Chlorine, Hydrogen chloride, water, methan are all examples of... a) simple molecular substances b) Giant covalent structures c) Metallic bonding d) Giant Ionic Lattices 6) This is a diagram of... a) A simple molecular substance b) A giant covalent structure c) A giant ionic lattice d) Metallic bonding 7) What causes simple molecular substances to have low melting points? a) weak bonds b) strong bonds c) not conducting d) strong intermolecular forces e) weak intermolecular forces 8) Silicon dioxide has a high melting point and does not conduct electricity. What type of structure does it have? a) Simple molecular b) giant covalent c) giant ionic d) metallic bonding 9) What are diamond, graphite, graphene, fullerenes and nano tubes all made from? a) carbon b) hydrogen c) nitrogen d) water e) liquid ice 10) What is special about graphite? a) it is hard b) its colour  c) it can conduct electricity d) it has lots of energy 11) What is one use for a fullerene? a) form rings b) deliver drugs into the body c) close tubes d) hollow balls 12) Which of these is not a property of metallic bonding? a) giant structure b) strong c) good conductors d) can be bent e) can dissolve easily

C1 Topic 2 Bonding and structure

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