Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance is a component of all IEPS. - TRUE, Special education students require individualized education plans (IEPs) - TRUE, Providing students with accommodations and modifications is completely optional. - FALSE, Special education students should always be placed in separate classrooms or schools. - FALSE, Special education students cannot participate in mainstream activities and extracurriculars. - FALSE, Special education students can achieve academic success with the right support and accommodations. - TRUE, It is solely the special education teachers’ responsibility to implement the IEP in a general education setting - FALSE, Exemplary instructional practices does not replace the specially designed instruction specified in a student’s IEP. - TRUE, Students with disabilities should be working on TEKS at the grade level at which they are performing not enrolled - FALSE, Special education students benefit from a collaborative and inclusive approach involving GEN and SPED teachers - TRUE,
SPED 101
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