algorithm - the set of instructions a program will follow to do A, then B, and then C, bug - a flaw or glitch in a system, DNSDNS (or Domain Name System) - a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, and other resources connected to a private network or the internet., Blockly - a drag-and-drop programming language, commonly used to teach kids how to code in an easy and colorful way., variable - a value that changes depending on the data and information the specific program receives., loop - is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, coding - the process of creating, designing, and building (in most cases, from scratch) an executable computer program to accomplish a specific result., copy-and-paste - the process of copying information on the screen and pasting it to a new location, Scratch - a block-based programming language, bit - a singular unit of information that is commonly represented as a 0 or 1., Binary numbers - is the way in which a computer or device represents information., programming language - a formal language coders use, which includes numerous instructions that produce several kinds of results and output.,

Beginning Coding Terminology

Tabla de clasificación

Tarjetas flash es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?