1) What does the mistress of Earlsham give as the reason for tightening the bearing reins? a) She thinks it will be good for the horses b) She is fed up with "this humouring nonsense" (being kind to them) c) She's in a hurry, and means they'll be quicker d) She's worried about not having done it sooner 2) How does Ginger react? a) She kicks a little, but gets used to it  b) She kicks, escapes and runs away c) She kicks and fights, but is pinned to the ground d) She rears up for a moment, but nothing more. 3) What is the Head Groom's (York) opinion of the bearing reins? a) He knew they were trouble, and said so, but the mistress won't listen to her husband b) He knows how important a fashionable horse is c) He doesn't think a horse should react that badly to them d) He isn't allowed to express any opinion 4) What does Sewell go on to explain about these reins (through the character of Max?) a) They are painful, but don't do any long term damage b) They are an important part of controlling a horse c) They will shorten the horse's life (most painfully) d) They will always be fashionable and necessary 5) Why do the horse traders still allow these deadly, damaging reins? a) Because they believe fashion to be important b) Because they can't sell the horses who won't use them c) Because they don't care one way or another d) Because they haven't really considered it an issue 6) What effect does the bearing rein and tight bit have on Black Beauty? a) They make her uncomfortable, unable to move her head properly b) They cut into her mouth and jaw, making her mouth foam c) They make her neck and chest strained and painful d) They make her feel tired and depressed e) All of the above 7) What does the narrator explain about the way women rode on horseback? a) That they only rode small horses b) That they rode "side saddle" on well trained horses c) That they rode only with their masters by their side d) That they did not ride horses alone 8) In "The Runaway horse", what causes Lizzie (the mare) to bolt? a) She is frightened by a bird b) She is just wild and bad tempered  c) Some passing colts and the cracking of a whip d) The sound of a gunshot 9) What effect does it have on the rider, Lady Anne, to stay on the horse? a) It's exhausting trying to keep pulling back and staying upright b) It's exciting to ride so very fast c) It's worrying and makes her anxious d) It's the same as normal riding, just faster 10) What does Black Beauty have to do to reach the Lady Anne? a) Run across a muddy, dangerous field b) Run across a railway line c) Jump over a high hedge and ditch d) Jump over a fence 11) What do we learn from this episode? a) That women shouldn't ride horses b) That even the most experienced riders experience danger on a horse c) That all horses are dangerous and unpredictable d) That horse riding is dangerous and shouldn't be attempted

Black Beauty Ch 25 Revise Quiz

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