available - ready for use, at hand, cater - to satisfy the needs of, try to make things easy and pleasant; to supply food and service, customary - usual, expected, routine, dissuade - to persuade not do do something, entrepreneur - a person who starts up and takes on the risk of a buisness, firebrand - a piece of burning wood; a troublemaker; an extremely energetic or emotional person, hazard - risk, peril; to expose to danger or harm; to gamble, hinder - to delay; to stop or prevent from happening, homicide - the killing of one person by another, indifference - a lack of interest or concern, indignant - filled with resentment or anger over something unjust, unworthy, or mean, indispensable - aboslutely necessary, not to be neglected, lubricate - to apply oil or grease; to make smooth, slippery, or easier to use, mutual - shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more, pelt - to throw a stream of things; to strike successively; to hurry, plague - an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths; a widespread evil; to annoy or bother, poised - balanced, suspended; calm, controlled; ready for action, regime - a government in power; a form or system of rule or management; a period of rule, transparent - allowing light to pass through; easily recognized or understood; easily seen through or detected, unscathed - wholly unharmed, not injured,
7th Grade
Life science
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