dismal - depressing;causing gloom or misery causing bad feelings, malady - bad health;illness;sickness, malaria - a disease usually spread by mosquitoes, malefactor - a person who does bad things, malevolent - who wishes bad things would happen to others, malfeasance - wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official, malice - mischief;evil intent;bad will, malignant - something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer, malnourished - having bad health or having poor nutrition, malodorous - bad smell;stinky, benediction - a good blessing in religious service, benefactor - a good person who offers help or donates money, benefical - having a good outcome;favorable, beneficiary - a person who receive something good from someone Elsa as an inheritance, benetfit - to gain good results from something, benevolent - kind;good hearted, benign - favorable;having a good effect;not harmful, bonafide - in good faith;authentic;genuine;real, bonus - anything good that is received over and beyond what was expected(usually money), bon voyage - French for"have a good trip",

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