Compression - Pushing or squeezing force, Tension - Pulling or stretching force, Shear - Sliding Force, Torsion - Twisting Force, Live load - Weight of objects on a structure, Dead load - Weight of the structure, Force - Push or a pull on an object, Loads - Something that creates a force on an object., Beam Bridge - A simple structure made of horizontal, rigid beams whose ends rest on piers or columns., Span - The horizontal space between two supports of a structure., Truss Beam Bridge - Beam bridges composed of triangles, Column - Vertical supports in a beam bridge, Beam - Horizontal supports in a beam bridge, Arch Bridge - A type of bridge that uses a curved structure., Buttress - Abutments that hold the arch in place., Keystone - A central stone that locking all the stones toget, Cables - Thick, long wires of a suspension bridge, Towers - Tall, sturdy structures on a suspension bridge., Suspension Bridge - This bridge has towers and cables.,

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