Which song by Smokey Robinson was No. 1 on the 16 Dec 1970?, Who were the 2 British PMs during 1970?, Who was the American President in 1970?, How much was a pint of milk/ a loaf/ a pint in 1970?, Who was the England football Captain in 1970?, Which film starring Ryan O Neil was released on the 16 Dec 1970?, Who were the 1st division football champions in 1970?, Which famous festival began in 1970?, Which popular car built in the Midlands was launched on this day 1970?, Who was an Oscar for his role in the film 'True Grit' in 1970?, Who was an Oscar fro her role in the film' The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie' in 1970?, Which musical won ' best musical' at the Oscars in 1970?.

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