1) She ..... at the office. a) doesn't work b) work c) don't work d) works 2) My father ..... ....... cigarettes. (NOT) a) smokes b) smoke c) doesn't smoke d) don't smoke 3) I .... .... meat. (NOT) a) doesn't eat b) don't eat c) eat d) does eat 4) We ..... to the radio. a) live b) listen c) drink d) listens 5) Alice and Mark .... ..... in London. (NOT) a) isn't living b) doesn't live c) don't live d) lives 6) You ..... to the cinema at weekends. a) go b) play c) goes d) plays 7) A teacher ________ in a school.  a) doesn't work b) work c) don't work d) works 8) A ___________ works on a building site. a) farmer b) builder c) doctor d) teacher 9) A waiter _________ in a shop. a) works b) work c) doesn't work d) don't work

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