1) Santiago and Ben built 17 big snowmen on Monday and some little snowmen on Tuesday. Then, they had 49 snowmen. How many little snowmen did they build on Tuesday? 2) Juliette put 56 snowman marshmallows in her hot chocolate. She decided that she had too many and spooned 15 out. How many did she have left in her hot chocolate? 3) It snowed 17 days in January and 14 days in February. How many days did it snow in January and February? 4) A penguin ate 45 fish on Saturday and 47 fish on on Sunday. How many fish did he eat in all? 5) Some children were making snow angels outside. 51 children left and there were 38 kids left outside. How many children were making snow angels at the start? 6) Sana went ice skating with her family. There were 64 of them. But 33 of them had to leave early. How many were still ice skating?

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