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8 734 tulemust otsingule 'phonics'

Letter Nn
Letter Nn Paaripanek
  Oxford Phonics 4 Unit 7-8
Oxford Phonics 4 Unit 7-8 Paaripanek
Letter Zz
Letter Zz Paaripanek
Letter Rr
Letter Rr Paaripanek
Letter Mm
Letter Mm Paaripanek
letter Z and other letters
letter Z and other letters Paaripanek
Letter W and other letters
Letter W and other letters Paaripanek
letter X and other letters
letter X and other letters Paaripanek
Безымянный4 Juhuslikud kaardid
revise 2 words
revise 2 words Viktoriin
letter Y and other letters
letter Y and other letters Paaripanek
Letter Oo
Letter Oo Paaripanek
th, sh, ch, ng
th, sh, ch, ng Leia sobiv
Unscramble the words
Unscramble the words Anagramm
Phonics - all
Phonics - all Juhuslikud kaardid
TH-reading Juhuslikud kaardid
ar Juhuslikud kaardid
Phonics - UR IR ER
Phonics - UR IR ER Juhuslikud kaardid
Phonics - oa
Phonics - oa Juhuslikud kaardid
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa Juhuslikud kaardid
Phonics 2 reading
Phonics 2 reading Juhuslikud kaardid
Short o words
Short o words Mängusaade
Phonics reading 1
Phonics reading 1 Juhuslikud kaardid
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe)
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe) Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Phonics A C T B I G
Phonics A C T B I G Viktoriin
Digraphs sh ch
Digraphs sh ch Rühmadesse sorteerimine
-ng phonics
-ng phonics Juhuslikud kaardid
Phonics - ea
Phonics - ea Juhuslikud kaardid
CVC reading
CVC reading Ava kast
Short A and short U
Short A and short U Juhuslikud kaardid
Phonics - ee
Phonics - ee Juhuslikud kaardid
Letter sorting (d or g) for struggling learners
Letter sorting (d or g) for struggling learners Rühmadesse sorteerimine
short I and long I
short I and long I Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Phonics - oi, oy
Phonics - oi, oy Juhuslikud kaardid
Oxford phonics world 1 - words | A - O
Oxford phonics world 1 - words | A - O Viktoriin
Phonics 'ee', 'ea'
Phonics 'ee', 'ea' Leia sobiv
Phonics S-N
Phonics S-N Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Digraphs -ck, -ch, -sh
Digraphs -ck, -ch, -sh Paaripanek
Letters Capital Low case
Letters Capital Low case Paaripanek
Phonics SH sound
Phonics SH sound Juhuslikud kaardid
Oxford Phonics 1 letters A,B
Oxford Phonics 1 letters A,B Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Hh
Oxford Phonics Letter Hh Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Ss
Oxford Phonics Letter Ss Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics M-V
Oxford Phonics M-V Vaadake ja jätke meelde
Oxford Phonics Letter Ww
Oxford Phonics Letter Ww Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Xx
Oxford Phonics Letter Xx Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Yy
Oxford Phonics Letter Yy Paaripanek
Oxford Phonics Letter Ee
Oxford Phonics Letter Ee Paaripanek
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