oyeron - they heard, mecaí - I fell (hint: it's reflexive), leísteis - y'all (vosotros) read (in the past), construímos - we built, construíste - you (tú) built, oyó - she heard, secayeron - they fell (hint: it's reflexive), leyó - he read, construyeron - y'all (ustedes) built, leyeron - they read (in the past), leímos - we read (in the past), oscaísteis - y'all (vosotros) fell (hint: it's reflexive), oísteis - y'all (vosotros) heard, leíste - you (tú) read (in the past), tecaíste - you (tú) fell (hint: it's reflexive), oíste - you (tú) heard, construísteis - y'all (vosotros) built, oímos - we heard, secayó - she fell (hint: it's reflexive), leí - I read (in the past), construyó - you (usted) built, noscaímos - we fell (hint: it's reflexive), construí - I built, oí - I heard, incluyó - she included (hint: vocab 4.3), incluyeron - they included (hint: vocab 4.3),

Y-Preterite Verbs


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Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?