1) Nisim B'chol Yom a) They are the morning blessings b) We recognize the blessings in our lives c) They are sang at the beginning of the morning service d) They can be sung in the afternoon service 2) When do we read the Torah? a) Whenever we feel like b) On Mondays, Thursdays and Shabbat c) Jewish holidays d) Rosh Chodesh (at the beginning of a new lunar month) 3) What is a minyan? a) A person that prays daily b) A group of 10 people required for certain public prayers c) A celebration of the beginning of the month d) A minor Jewish holiday 4) What is the book utilized to pray? a) Machzor b) Megillah c) Siddur d) Torah 5) What is the correct order in a service? a) Amidah, Barchu, Shema b) Shema, Barchu, Amidah c) Barchu, Amidah, Shema d) Barchu, Shema, Amidah 6) The Shema and its blessings includes the following prayers a) Ahavah Rabah b) Amidah c) Mi Chamocha d) Nisim B'Chol yom 7) The Shema and its blessings include the following prayers a) Barchu b) Aleinu c) Mi Chamocha d) Yotzer Or 8) The Mi Chamocha a) is a redemption song b) comes after the Shema and its blessings c) is sung only by women in honor of Miriam the prophetess d) comes before the Amidah 9) The Dvar Torah a) must be given by the rabbi b) is an interpretation and teaching of the portion of the week c) can be related to any Torah portion d) is one of the customs of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah 10) The Amidah has many parts. It talks about... a) Our ancestors b) You are holy! c) Your might is boundless d) Creation

Shabbat Morning Service


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