to take things easy - to relax, to catch your eye - to get your attention, tedious - boring, cuisine - a style of cooking, to get away from it all - to go somewhere in order to escape your daily problems, diverse - including many different types, hectic - extremely busy or full of activity, to steer clear - to avoid something, exciting - making you feel very happy and enthusiastic, local - someone who lives in the area you are talking about, hazardous - dangerous, off the beaten track - isolated and quiet, not visited by maney tourists, ancient - from a long time ago, polluted - dirty from traffic or chemicals, sightseeing - activity of visiting places, temple - a building where people in some religions go to pray or worship, to get stuck - be unable to move further, to offer - to ask about smth (предлагать), route - the roads or paths (путь), traffic jam - a line of cars, trucks that are moving slowly or not moving at all,

TRAVEL (vocabulary)


Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?