cash - paper money (also notes), coins - metal money, a tip - extra money which you can give to a waiter in a restaurant, a taxi driver, a hairdresser, etc. if you are happy with the service, a bank statement - a document with information about your bank account, a bill - a document which says that you have to pay for something, a receipt - a document which shows that you have bought something, a possession - something you own, for example, your phone, clothes, car, etc., treasure - very expensive and valuable things, such as money, gold, etc., ATM / cash machine - a machine from which you can take out money from your bank account, to borrow money from someone - to take money from someone with a promise to return it, to lend money to someone - to give someone money, expecting them to return it, to earn money - to get money for your work, to invest money in something - to put money into something in order to get a profit, a bonus - extra money added to your salary, usually for good work, to waste money - to spend money on useless things, to splash out on something - to spend a lot of money on something, to go window-shopping - to go to a shop just to look at things without buying anything,

Unit 8 Money Vocabulary


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