locate - when you find something, possession - something that belongs to you , significant - something that has importance, ascend - going up, browse - look for something is a casual way, cautious - very careful and don't take any chances, elderly - quite old, eliminate - get rid of something, stoop - squat down or bend over, accurate - has no mistakes, fiction - tells about characters or events that are not real, transparent - light goes through, see through, irritable - grumpy and gets mad easily, mob - large group, often disorderly, launch - when you set a vehicle or an object in motion, fidgety - trouble staying still,

vocabulary review week 5-8



Paaripanek on avatud mall. Sellega ei saa edetabeli punkte.

Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?