Vedas - are Hinduism’s holiest books., Epic poems - (in Vedas) long narratives., 1st Epic Poem – Mahabharata - teaches importance of living and acting righteously., 2nd Epic Poem – Ramayana - tells the story of Rama, the perfect king, who fought evil forces in the world., Reincarnation - is the belief the soul is eternal and is reborn in different bodies over different life cycles., Karma - is the belief people’s actions and conduct determines the kind of life into which they will be reborn., A good and moral life leads to rebirth - into a better life., A life with misdeeds leads to rebirth - with greater hardship and suffering., The ultimate goal of a Hindu is - to end this cycle of rebirth., To end the rebirth cycle by - living selflessly and eliminating material desires.,

1.4.2 Hindu Beliefs and Practices



Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?