1) Which root means distant or far away? a) distant b) graph c) photos d) tele 2) Photos means a) light b) to measure c) to write or draw d) camera 3) A word with the root graph usually has something to do with a) math problems b) writing c) seeing d) measuring e) hearing 4) Think about the word telescope. If tele means far away, what do you think scope means? a) to hear b) to look at c) to travel 5) A photometer is a device that measures - a) sound b) light c) distance 6) When you sign your autograph, what does that mean? a) signing a famous person's name b) signing your own name 7) Based on the word autograph, what do you think "auto" means?  a) self b) famous c) signature 8) If phobia means "fear", what do you think photophobia means? a) fear of cameras b) fear of lightning c) fear of darkness d) fear of light 9) Think about the word telephone. What do you think the root "phone" means? a) sound b) distance c) light d) darkness 10) Look at these roots: photos, graph, tele. Which definitions are in the correct order? a) light, distant, to write or draw b) to write or draw, distant, light c) light, to write or draw, distant 11) What does the root "phone" mean? a) talk b) sound c) hear d) listen 12) What does the root metron mean? a) measure b) weigh c) length 13) Which of these words is a device that measures something? a) telegraph b) photographer c) thermometer d) biography 14) Which word means turning toward light? a) phototropic b) thermotropic c) heliotropic d) chromotropic 15) Which root means to turn? a) tropos b) metron c) phone d) philia 16) If you have phobophobia what are you afraid of? a) spiders b) the dark c) fear d) high places e) the light 17) Which root means love or friendship? a) phobos b) tropos c) philia d) phone e) friendshipia 18) If "biblio" means books, what is a bibliophile? a) A person who is afraid of books? b) A person who writes books? c) A person who loves books? d) A person who burns books. 19) This is a megaphone. What do you think the literal meaning is? a) a device that measures sound b) a device that lets you hear better c) a device that makes sound bigger. d) a device that lets you talk quietly 20) Which word means a written symbol representing a sound? a) telegraph b) phonograph c) phonogram d) ABCs

For Owen-- More Roots


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