暑假 (shǔ jià) - summer vacation, 打算(dǎ suàn) - to plan, 干(gàn) - to do, 中国(zhōng guó) - China, 北京 (Běi jīng) - Beijing , 旅游 (lǚ yóu) - to travel, 坐 (zuò) - to travel by, 飞机(fēi jī) - plane, 火车(huǒ chē) - train, 地铁 (dì tiě) - subway, 巴士 (bā shì) - bus, 开车 (kāi chē) - to drive, 购物 (gòu wù) - to shop , 观光 ( guān guāng ) - to tour, 放松 (fàng sōng) - to relax , 船 (chuán) - boat , 酒店 (jiǔ diàn) - hotel,



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