13th amendment - abolished slavery, 14th amendment - granted citizenship to former slaves, 15th amendment - gave black men the right to vote, Black codes - Texas laws that denied African-Americans civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1866 - gave citizenship and basic rights to African-Americans, Freedmen's Bureau - department created to provide help and legal aid to former slaves, Ku Klux Klan - secret society that threatened African-Americans to prevent them from voting, Radical Republicans - members of the Republican Party committed to the equal treatment and enfranchisement of former slaves, Reconstruction - time period when the U.S. began the process of reuniting the nation and rebuilding the southern states, Reconstruction Act of 1867 - divided the south into 5 military districts, carpetbaggers - northerners who moved South and carried their belongings in a bag made of carpet, civil rights - individual rights guaranteed to people by the U.S. Constitution, freedmen - former slaves, scalawags - term given to southerners who supported Reconstruction for personal economic gain, sharecroppers - farmers who lacked land and supplies and promised a portion of their crop to the landowner in exchange for needed supplies, suffrage - the right to vote,



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