Motivation is the reasons a person does ____ However motivating ____ isn't straight forward as they are motivated by different things. There are ____ motivational theorists to help us understand what motivate these workers; Maslow Hierarchy of Needs states there are ____ categories of human needs and these dictate an individual’s behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, ____, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and ____. Maslow used a ____ to reflect his model, stating that workers can only ____ to the next level once the previous level has been fulfilled Whilst Herzberg developed a two-factor theorem that shows what employment characteristics ____ or dissatisfy employees. That that dissatisfy employees are labelled as ____ Factors, Common hygiene factors include: work conditions, company policies, supervisions, ____, safety, and security. Whilst those that satisfy employees are labelled as ____. Common hygiene factors include: personal recognition, achievement, engaging work, meaningful responsibilities, ____, and personal growth opportunities. A Business can then use these theories to develop Financial Rewards, these include ____ and Promotion Opportunities and Non-Financial rewards those without and include job enlargement, ____, job enrichment, empowerment and training.

NCFE - Motivational Summary


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