What is your favorite color?, What is your favorite book?, What is your favorite season?, What is your favorite food?, What languages can you speak?, What are your favorite activities to do outside of school?, What is your favorite school memory?, Do you have any siblings?, Do you have any pets?, What job would you like to do when you are older?, What is your least favorite food?, What is your least favorite subject?, What are your favorite games?, What would you do with a $1,000,000?, If you can choose one superpower, what would you choose?, If you can travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?, Share a fun fact about yourself., What are you thankful for?, Do you have a lucky number? What is it and why?, If you can be any animal, what animal would you be and why?, Who is someone famous from the past or present-day that you would like to have lunch with today?, What is your favorite ice cream flavor?, What is your favorite dessert?, What is your favorite cereal?, If you could live on another planet, would you and which one?, Do you like breakfast, lunch, or dinner best?, What is your favorite restaurant?, Describe something interesting about your family., Describe a tradition or holiday your family celebrates., What do you think our world will be like in 50 years?, What is your favorite movie or tv show?, How are you doing today?, Describe Fairview Elementary School. , Describe your neighborhood., Do you believe in aliens?, Would you rather visit the international space station for a week or stay in an underwater hotel for a week?, Are cats better or are dogs better?, Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?, Would you rather live at the beach or in the mountains?.

Question of the Day


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