1) What is a memorable trip you took in the past? Where did you go, and what did you do there? 2) Can you share a funny or embarrassing moment from your childhood? 3) Describe a past accomplishment or achievement that you're proud of. 4) Where were you born, and where were you raised? 5) What was your favorite childhood toy, and who was it given to by? 6) When was your first pet adopted, and where was it adopted from? 7) What did you use to find challenging when you first started school? How did you get used to it? 8) Did you use to have any hobbies that you no longer pursue? Why did you stop, and what are you into now? 9) Can you talk about a change in your life that you've had to get used to, like moving to a new city or country? 10) Where did you go on your last vacation, and who did you go with? 11) What activities did you do during your vacation, and which one was your favorite? 12) Can you describe a memorable meal you had while on vacation? 13) What is something you used to struggle with, and how did you eventually get used to it? 14) When you first started playing a sport or musical instrument, what challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? 15) What is the place where you feel total joy and peace? Why? 16) Are you married? Do you have kids? 17) What do you do for a living?

B1.1 Review



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