1) German Scientist- Continental Drift Theory a) Einstein b) Wegener c) Newton d) Garcia e) Franklin 2) Continental Drift Theory Explanation a) Earth was made from dust particles b) What goes up must come down c) The sky is falling d) Continents were once together as one supercontinent e) Land floats on water 3) Supercontinent 200 million years ago a) Pangaea b) Rodinia c) Gondwana d) Laurasia e) United States of America 4) One Tectonic plate is forced below another a) Convection b) Conduction c) Conversion d) Subduction e) Transition 5) Plates move apart creating Mid-Ocean Ridges & Rift Valleys a) Convergent Collison b) Convergent Subduction c) Transform d) Divergent 6) Plates move together creating mountain ranges a) Convergent Collison b) Convergent Subduction c) Transform d) Divergent 7) Plates move together causing one plate to get pushed down below the other a) Convergent Collison b) Convergent Subduction c) Transform d) Divergent 8) Plates slide past one another, and due to friction, earthquakes occur a) Convergent Collison b) Convergent Subduction c) Transform d) Divergent 9) Molten rock inside the mantle a) Magma b) Lava 10) Molten rock released from the crust, typically from volcanoes a) Magma b) Lava

ES Part 3 Earth Movements



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