1) who is this a) jax b) pomni c) bubble d) gangle e) cain f) zooble 2) when is this scene a) 6:34 b) 8:10 c) 6:30 d) 9:40 e) 7:10 f) 1:20 3) who is this a) kouphmo b) jax c) caine d) gangle e) pomni f) kinger 4) who is this a) pomni b) bubble c) jax d) zooble e) cain f) gangle 5) who is this a) bubble b) cain c) pomni d) zooble e) gangle f) jax 6) who is this a) cain b) pomni c) zooble d) jax e) gangle f) bubble 7) who is this a) cain b) gangle c) zooble d) jax e) bubble f) pomni 8) who is this a) pomni b) cain c) zooble d) jax e) gangle f) bubble 9) who is this a) ragatha b) bubble c) gangle d) jax  e) cain f) pomni 10) who is this a) jax b) eufygeorufygiufygeiufy meme c) pomni with a blicky d) wow you can really dance meme e) jax with a gun f) say whattttttttttttttttttt meme 11) who is this a) caine b) gangle c) jax with gun d) zooble with gun e) pomni with gun f) kinger with gun 12) who is this a) hey i think your really cool b) pomni and jax c) digital circus horror game d) kinger e) bubble and gangle f) caine 13) who is this a) pomni b) kinger with a shutgun c) jax with a uzie d) jax with a gun e) more after this f) qwuesttoin more comin soon 14) more coming soon a) ugheof8uhoeiu b) sdofushiudfh c) sdfjihpsidgu d) dgu9hgsiuihfp e) hd08gh f) fiuhdsifudhfoiuhads 15) were is josiah jacobs a) b) potato c) d) abidigadagidaoghh meme 3 eyes e) chiken wings f) skiny man 16) song time "mom" a) leave me alone b) a i follow c) mom at home d) super lucky tho e) i were clone f) a ducky yo 17) "i want to be" a) famouse i wan't to be b) ew it stinks in this van c) lame as d) leckine e) clevland f) slacking 18) famouseee my my tharipist said i got adhd i don't even a) know what that means b) means adhd mea you popity c) papa lavada d) fhap flap e) gujleduv f) stop the cap 19) im lucked up im all I'm all a) lucked up b) @#$% you c) help up d) jfjfi go joo e) build build and go up 20) more coming soon a) woo b) iwdug c) l2udho d) j;o4uhrf e) ;ifjfjjfjpfi f) irrjr0ufhiourh


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