One of a kind; not like anything else - Unique, Full of bright colors - Colorful /ˈkʌl.ər.fəl/, Real and genuine; not fake. - Authentic /ɔːˈθen.tɪk/, Stylish and fashionable - Chic /ʃiːk/, Very detailed and complicated - Intricate /ˈɪn.trɪ.kət/, Made specifically for someone according to their personal requirements. - Custom-made, Full of energy and life; very bright. - Vibrant /ˈvaɪ.brənt/, Extremely beautiful and delicate. - Exquisite /ɪkˈskwɪz.ɪt/, Made special by adding a name or other personal detail. - Personalized, Easy to remember because it is special. - Memorable /ˈmem.ər.ə.bəl/, Small and easy to carry. - Compact, Very pleasant and attractive. - Charming /ˈtʃɑːr.mɪŋ/, Classic and high-quality from the past. - Vintage /ˈvɪn.tɪdʒ/,

Souvenirs (adjectives)


Õpikaardid on avatud mall. Sellega ei saa edetabeli punkte.

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