1) a type of literature that is meant to be performed is called... a) Drama b) Audience c) book d) scenes 2) a special building where dramas are performed is called... a) house b) al dente c) theater d) dialogue 3) the author of a drama/play is called... a) playwright b) a play writing person c) Shakespeare d) dialogue maker 4) A group of all the actors in a single performance is called... a) a character list b) a cast c) a master list d) scene 5) The major divisions (chapters) of a drama are called... a) Acts b) Parts c) Scenes d) Intermissions 6) A part of an act. This changes every time the setting does. a) Acts b) Parts c) Scenes d) Intermissions 7) Makes up the majority of a drama. The conversations between characters. a) Action b) Scripts c) Arguments d) Dialogue 8) A copy of the dialogue that each actor receives and will usually memorize a) Books b) Scripts c) final drafts 9) When one character in a play gives a long speech alone on stage a) monologue b) dialogue 10) Instructions the playwright includes in a drama that tells the actors how to move on stage a) acting guidelines b) Stage directions c) stage set-up 11) How do playwrights and directors create physical settings? a) props, costumes, and sets b) They paint backdrops c) they tell the audience before the show d) they don't 12) Many plays use ___ and ___ to create the mood and tone of a play a) music and lighting b) confetti and yelling c) songs and action

Drama Terms



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