housekeeper - a person whose job is to organise another person's house and deal with cooking, cleaning, etc, renowned - famous for something, surveillance - the careful watching of a person or place, humble - not proud or not believing that you are important, impressive - something you admire or respect, usually because it is special, important, or very large:, interactions - an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other, inspired - having been given an idea to do something, blossomed - became more attractive, successful, or confident, legacy - something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time, passion - a very powerful feeling; love, hate, anger, or other emotion, botanical - involving or relating to plants or the study of plants, labourer - a person who does unskilled physical work, especially outside, disguise - to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form, expedition - an organised journey for a particular purpose, crew - a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a ship or aircraft,

Jeanne Baret reading vocab



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