1) Room 1 a) The robots are under the bed. The yo-yo is on the box. b) The robots are on the bed. The yo-yo is in the box. 2) Room 2 a) The dolls are under the desk. The ball is in the bed. b) The dolls are on the desk. The ball is on the bed. 3) Room 3 a) The kites are on the chair. The ball is in the box. b) The kites are on the bed. The doll is in the box. 4) Room 4 a) The balls are in the bed. The robot is in the box. b) The balls are in the box. The robot is on the desk. 5) Room 5 a) The balls are on the bed. The doll under the desk. b) The kites are on the bed. The yo-yo is under the desk. 6) Room 6 a) The yo-yos are under the bed. The kite is on the floor. b) The kites are under the bed. The yo-yo is on the table.

Toys in the Bedroom (is, are)



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