hubungan dua hala - bilateral ties, berhak - has the right, hala tuju - direction, masa depan - future, prinsip - principle, jelas - clear, menekankan - to stress, pemeliharaan - the protection, kedaulatan - sovereignty, mewujudkan - to make exist, berpegang teguh - to hold firmly, piagam - Charter, Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) - United Nations, memelihara - to protect, tegas - firm, pendirian - stance, mengekalkan - to maintain, kedudukan - place/ position, laluan - way/ passage, perdagangan - trade, commerce, menceroboh - to invade, menindas - to opress, penduduk - residents/ people, perpaduan - unity, terhadap - towards, menentang keras - to strongly oppose, dihapuskan - is abolished/ eradicated, sebarang - any, kepelbagaian - diversity,

Set 54 bahasa Melayu W21D2


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