1) faire la cuisine means? a) to clean b) to walk c) to talk d) to cook 2) Balayer mean to? a) sweep b) vacuum c) moway d) d'accord 3) laver la voiture means? a) wash the car b) wash the house c) wash the dog d) wash the cat 4) vider le lave-vaisselle a) do the dishes b) empty the trash c) empty the dishwasher d) mow the lawn 5) To mow the lawn a) sortir la poubelle b) tondre la pelouse c) ranger sa chambre d) debarasser la table 6) To walk the dog a) Promener le chien b) courir le chien c) regarder le chien d) vider le chien 7) donner a manger au chien a) to cook the dog b) to eat the dog c) to walk the dog d) to feed the dog 8) set up the table a) debarasser la table b) mettre la table c) laver la voiture d) les corvees 9) passer l'aspirateur a) to vacuum b) to sleep c) to eat d) to see 10) to clean means a) balayer b) nett c) nettoyer d) bine sur

house chores



Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?