
Year 11 Design and Technology

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10 000+ résultats pour « y11 d t »

Command words
Command words Apparier
Food Hygiene and Safety
Food Hygiene and Safety Quiz
The 6r's of sustainability
The 6r's of sustainability Apparier
Kitchen Safety Starter
Kitchen Safety Starter Diagramme étiqueté
grown, reared, caught
grown, reared, caught Trier par groupe
Foods Around The World Country Picker!
Foods Around The World Country Picker! Roue aléatoire
Types of Seafood (GCSE Food and Nutrition)
Types of Seafood (GCSE Food and Nutrition) Trier par groupe
Seasonal Foods (Fruits & Vegetables)
Seasonal Foods (Fruits & Vegetables) Trier par groupe
Food Labels
Food Labels Apparier
Nutrition and the Eat Well plate
Nutrition and the Eat Well plate Quiz
Vitamins Apparier
Types of vegetables
Types of vegetables Trier par groupe
Staple Foods Lesson
Staple Foods Lesson Roue aléatoire
Food sources
Food sources Trier par groupe
Sustainability - Positive & Negative impacts of Design
Sustainability - Positive & Negative impacts of Design Trier par groupe
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning Quiz
Cooking Methods sorting activity
Cooking Methods sorting activity Des paires
Nutrients & their function
Nutrients & their function Apparier
Object or material?
Object or material? Trier par groupe
material properties - easy
material properties - easy Apparier
material properties - harder
material properties - harder Apparier
Identify Hardware and Software
Identify Hardware and Software Trier par groupe
S2/3 D&M - Intro to Materials (Wood Properties)
S2/3 D&M - Intro to Materials (Wood Properties) Apparier
Food groups and testing
Food groups and testing Quiz
CAD/CAM - Advantages and Disadvantages
CAD/CAM - Advantages and Disadvantages Trier par groupe
6rs of sustainability
6rs of sustainability Apparier
Hello, how are you? 2
Hello, how are you? 2 Apparier
Engineering Apparier
Farm to Fork Quiz
Farm to Fork Quiz Quiz
Health & Safety - Personal, Machine and Tool Safety Checks
Health & Safety - Personal, Machine and Tool Safety Checks Complétez la phrase
Name the tool
Name the tool Ouvrir la boîte
Practical plenary
Practical plenary Roue aléatoire
Camera Parts
Camera Parts Diagramme étiqueté
Vitamins Apparier
Healthy and unhealthy foods
Healthy and unhealthy foods Trier par groupe
Recycling and Biodegrading Materials
Recycling and Biodegrading Materials Diagramme étiqueté
Assignment Recap Identify Word Elements
Assignment Recap Identify Word Elements Diagramme étiqueté
Health and safety symbols
Health and safety symbols Apparier
Religion and nutrition
Religion and nutrition Apparier
Special Diets
Special Diets Apparier
Smart Materials
Smart Materials Apparier
Optical illusions
Optical illusions Quiz
Health and Safety in the Textiles Classroom
Health and Safety in the Textiles Classroom Complétez la phrase
Foods from the eatwell guide
Foods from the eatwell guide Mots mêlés
British Food Matching Activity
British Food Matching Activity Apparier
Food and Nutrition
Food and Nutrition Quiz
Hazards and Controls
Hazards and Controls Trier par groupe
Aesthetics vs Functionality
Aesthetics vs Functionality Trier par groupe
Hospitality & Catering Establishments
Hospitality & Catering Establishments Ouvrir la boîte
Fruit types
Fruit types Trier par groupe
Protein Sorting activity HBV & LBV
Protein Sorting activity HBV & LBV Trier par groupe
Wordsearch carpentry
Wordsearch carpentry Mots mêlés
Nutrition crossword
Nutrition crossword Mots croisés
storage devices
storage devices Quiz
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