1) Mallory used a container shaped like a cylinder to catch rainwater. The dimensions of the container are shown below. Which measurement is closest to the volume? Volume: 𝝅r2h (Use 3.14 instead of pi) a) 1,527cm3 b) 1,018 cm3 c) 4,072cm3 d) 3,054 cm3 2) Caroline has a very large soup pot shaped like a cylinder that has a height of 15 inches and a radius of 6 inches. How much soup can Caroline's soup pot hold? Volume: 𝝅r2h a) 180𝝅 b) 1350𝝅 c) 90𝝅 d) 540𝝅 3) Cole and Abby each drew a cylinder. Cole drew cylinder A. Abby drew cylinder B. Which cylinder will have a greater volume? Volume: 𝝅r2h  a) Cylinder A b) Cylinder B 4) Reid is drinking soda from a can that has a radius of 5 in and a height of 43 in. Reid has already drank 1/4 of the soda, how much soda is still remaining in the can?  a) 1075𝝅 b) 430𝝅 c) 806.25𝝅 d) 268.75𝝅 5) The volume of this cylinder with radius 5 units is 50π cubic units. What is the height? Volume: 𝝅r2h a) 10 b) 250𝝅 c) 2 d) 2𝝅 6) The volume of a cylinder is 12𝝅 and a diameter of 4 inches. Find the cylinder's radius. a) 8 b) 12 c) 2 d) 1 7) The volume of a cylinder is 99𝝅 and the height is 11. Find the radius.  a) 9 b) 9𝝅 c) 3 d) 3𝝅 8) A silo is a cylindrical container that is used on farms to hold large amounts of goods, such as grain. On a particular farm, a silo has a height of 18 feet and diameter of 6 feet. How many cubic feet of grain can this silo hold? Volume: 𝝅r2h a) 108𝝅 b) 54𝝅 c) 162𝝅 9) What is the base of a cylinder? a) Circle b) Square c) Sphere 10) What is the volume of this cube? V= s3 ; s= side length a) 3 cubic cm b) 9 cubic cm c) 27 cubic cm

Unit 5: Lesson 10-13 Volume


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