Starting the Meeting: Welcome everyone. The purpose of today's meeting is to discuss..., Thank you all for coming at such a short notice. Let's start with item number one., Now that everyone's here, let's get started..., Bringing Up Topics to Discuss: The first item on the agenda that we need to discuss today is..., Let's look at the first item on the agenda., First, let's talk about..., Asking for Clarification: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by..., Could you please clarify?, I'm sorry, I don't quite follow., Stalling the Discussion: Before we move on, I think we need to look at..., I'm sorry, but I believe we haven't talked about..., One minute please, it seems we haven't discussed..., Moving on: Let's move on to ..., which is the next item on the agenda., Moving on, let's take a look at item ... on the agenda., Now we've come to the final item on the agenda., Summarizing: This is what we've agreed on:, So, we've decided to..., In summary, we're going to..., Closing the Meeting: The meeting is adjourned. Thank you all for attending., I guess that will be all for today. Thanks for coming, Making Suggestions: How about... (V+ing)?, Why don't we... (inf)?, I suggest that we... (inf), I recommend... (v+ing),
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