What do you most enjoy doing with your friends? (1min), Have you ever had the opprtunity to really help a friend? How? (1min), Would you prefer to spend your holidays with your family or friends? (1min), What is the best way for people visiting your country to make friends? (1min), Who do you think has influenced you most? Why? (1min), What is your happiest childhood memory? (1min), Some people say that team-building activities are a waste of time. Do you agree? (2min), What qualities does a person need to be a good team member? (2min), Which aspects of life in the past, which no longer exist, do you think were positive? Could they be revived? (2min), How can people motivate themselves? (2min), Do you think that there are froms of pride that can be harmful? (2min), Which aspects of modern life, where time is managed badly, do you find most annoying? (2min), How important is appearance to someone who cares what other people think? (2min), Do you think everyone needs some sort of recreational activity? (2min), Do you feel people get a similar sense of satisfaction from their activities? (2min).

CAE - Speaking - tasks 1 & 4


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