1) Jamal puts a cake in the oven at half past four. It cooks for 30 minutes. What time does it finish cooking? a) 16:00 b) 16.30 c) 17:00 2) How many minutes is a quarter of an hour? a) 40 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 14 minutes d) 4 minutes 3) You start your homework at quarter past nine in the morning and finish at midday. How long did you spend? a) 3 hours b) 150 minutes c) 2 hours and 30 minutes d) 165 minutes e) 190 minutes 4) How many minutes is three- quarters of an hour? a) 18 minutes b) 45 minutes c) 3 minutes d) 120 minutes 5) Danny worked for 1 hour and 25 minutes in the garden. He finished at 2pm. What time did he start? a) 13.35 b) half past twelve c) 3.25 d) 1.25 e) 12:35 6) Sali and Raj went jogging. Sali jogged for 78 minutes. Raj jogged for half an hour. How much more did Sali jog in minutes? a) 18 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 39 minutes d) 48 minutes e) 17 minutes 7) How many minutes in 1 hour a) 6 seconds in a minute b) 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour c) 600 seconds in an hour

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