You forget to charge your Chromebook and it dies in the middle of a Zoom., You think someone might be looking at you funny in the hallway. , Someone bumped into you on accident in the hallway. , You and your friend were supposed to hang out, but he had to cancel., You haven't done your homework the entire week., You got a 2 on your chapter test. , You totally forgot you were supposed to read a chapter in your book. , The Covid-19 pandemic., A family member is sick. , A family member lost a job. , Someone said something unkind about you. , You sent a mean text and the other person found out about it. , You are running behind in the morning on the way to school. , You haven't checked your emails the entire year. , You forgot a line when giving your science presentation., You don't like your group member, but work with them anyways. , Your favorite water bottle is lost at school. , It's a new semester and you can't find your classroom. , You dropped your phone in water and now it is broken. , You got a tiny scratch on your Chromebook. , You and your friend are disagreeing on a topic. , A kid in your class keeps making annoying comments while the teacher is talking. , Your group members are having small talk while still completing the work., Your group members are having small talk while not completing any of the work. , You got excluded from a birthday party you really wanted to be invited to. , You are talking to someone on a video game and don't know who they are. , You sent a text talking about another student. They found out and are mad. , You got most of the answers wrong on your vocab quiz. , You don't understand how to do the ELA project. , You don't know any kids in your new class..
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