Solicitor - Take instructions from clients and advise on necessary courses of legal action., Archaeologist - Carrying out excavations, commonly called digs, Archivist - Acquiring, managing and maintaining documents and other materials that have historical and cultural importance, Academic researcher - Carry out original, high-level research that generates new knowledge and progresses current understanding, Museum education officer - Create and deliver a varied and informative programme of education to adults and children, Secondary school teacher - Teach a subject you love and engage pupils in learning and preparing for their future, Museum/gallery curator - |Play an important part in both managing the artefacts or works of art in a museum or gallery and making collections come alive, Journalist - The role is rooted in communication, finding stories and bringing them to the public quickly in a coherent and engaging way, Marketing executive - You drive profit and promote products and services through coordinated marketing campaigns, Human resources officer - Develop, advise on and implement policies relating to the effective use of staff in an organisation,

What jobs can you do with a History Degree?


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