1) Un- a) Not b) Before c) Ten d) Down from e) One who f) 1,000 2) Milli-/kilo- a) Ten b) Not c) Before d) 1,000 e) One who f) Down from 3) -est a) The most b) More than one c) One who d) Ten e) 1,000 f) Against 4) -er a) More than, one who b) One who c) Against d) Not e) Before f) 1,000 5) Dec- a) 1,000 b) Ten c) Not d) Against e) One who f) Across 6) -able a) Ten b) Able to c) Most d) Down from e) Across f) 1,000 7) -tion/-sion a) Ten b) Across c) Most d) More than one e) Not f) Act of or state of 8) Dis- a) Not, apart b) Across c) Act of or state of d) Ten e) More than one f) Most 9) In- a) Down from b) Ten c) Across d) Most e) Not or in f) More than one 10) Cent a) Ten b) 100 c) More than one d) Down from e) Across f) Act of or state of 11) -ment a) Act of or state of b) Ten c) 100 d) 1,000 e) Across f) Before 12) Trans- a) Down from b) Act of or state of c) Ten d) More than one e) Across f) Before 13) -or a) One who b) Before c) Act of or state of d) Ten e) 100 f) 1,000 14) Sept- a) Again b) 7 c) Before d) 10 e) 100 f) 1,000 15) Mono- a) One b) Again c) Before d) 7 e) Act of or state of f) One who 16) Quint- a) 5 b) 7 c) 10 d) 100 e) 1,000 f) Before 17) Auto- a) Before b) 10 c) Again d) One who e) Self f) More than one 18) Il-, im-, ir- a) Before b) Not, in, into c) Again d) More than one e) One who f) Across 19) -y a) Marked by b) Before c) Again d) One who e) Down from f) Across



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