1) Which bedroom do the dursleys give harry "purely out of the goodness of their hearts" a) Attic b) Conservatory c) Dudley's second bedroom d) Conservetory 2) What color is the philosophers stone a) Emerald green b) Turquoise c) Ruby red d) Amethyst purple 3) What is the term for someone who can speak to snakes a) Parsletoogne b) Parsletounge c) Parslemouth d) Parsleytonge 4) What is the derogatory term Draco uses to describe muggle born wizards a) Mudblood b) Muggleblood c) Mudbluggle 5) What is the name of the weasleys home a) Wizarding headquarters b) Home c) Rabbits hole d) Burrow 6) What department at the ministry of magic cures Aunt Marge a) Reversing spell department b) Accidental spell reversing group c) Accidental magic reversal squad d) Magic reversal squad 7) What is the final fate of the philosophers stone a) Its destroyed b) Hidden c) Burried d) Locked away 8) Who does Tom riddle claim opened the chamber of secrets a) Lilly potter b) Hermione granger c) Ginny weasley d) Cho chang 9) What spell does Draco use to summon a snake a) Snakeawake b) Snakeywakey c) Serpentspawnear d) Serpentsortia 10) What happens if someone stares at the mirror of erised for too long a) Waste away b) Go mad c) Go made then waste away d) A and b e) Become immortal

Harry potter Quiz


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