1) торт a) a birthday invitation b) candles c) a present d) a birthday cake 2) подарок a) to blow out candles b) to celebrate c) a birthday cake d) a present 3) свечки a) to make a wish b) party hats c) a birthday card d) candles 4) задувать свечи a) to blow out candles b) a birthday card c) a birthday cake d) a party 5) шарики a) a birthday card b) balloons c) a birthday cake d) a birthday invitation 6) открытка a) a birthday cake b) balloons c) to blow out candles d) a birthday card 7) вечеринка a) a birthday invitation b) candles c) a party d) balloons 8) приглашение на день рождения a) to blow out candles b) to celebrate c) a birthday invitation d) a birthday cake 9) колпаки a) a birthday card b) party hats c) to celebrate d) to make a wish 10) загадать желание a) to make a wish b) to celebrate c) to blow out candles d) a birthday cake 11) праздновать a) a birthday invitation b) party hats c) a birthday card d) to celebrate

Happy birthday(Vocabulary Quiz)


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