Cell Membrane - Gate keepers of the cell controlling what materials can go in and out., Mitochondria - The "powerhouse" of the cell. Converts food energy into useful chemical energy., Chloroplast - In plant cells only. Uses energy from the sun to make food (glucose), Golgi apparatus - Modify, sort, and package molecules from the ER for transport out of the cell (like the post office). Ships to their final destination., Nucleus - Control center of the cell (brain of the cell). Largest organelle in animal cells. Contains genetic material- DNA, Ribosomes - Protein producing factories. Can be attached to the rough ER or free in cytoplasm., Vacuole - Storage for water, food, wastes. Plant cells typically have one large. Animal cells have many small., Lysosomes - Digest food, unwanted molecules, old organelles, cells, bacteria, etc. Like trash people: They take out the waste. Also known as suicide sacs., Cytoplasm - Gel-like fluid that suspends the organelles , Nucleolus - The place where where ribosomes begin to be assembled, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - Passageways that move material to the Golgi Apparatus. Rough ER has ribosomes and transfers proteins to the Golgi Apparatus. Smooth ER has no ribosomes and makes lipids, Cell Wall - Found only in plants. Stiff, nonliving material that helps to protect and support the cell., Organelles - Specialized structures within the cell that carry out certain functions or jobs for the cell. Like a tiny organ. Mostly found in eukaryotes.,
Cell Organelles
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