The amount that is remaining in your bank account after each transaction, - When your total income and your total expenses equal the same amount., A written, dated, and signed a piece of paper directing a bank to pay a sum of money., A plastic card that allows the owner to transfer money from a lender to pay for something., Money is taken out of your bank account. (Write a check, pay bills, ATM Withdrawals, money transfers, debit card use), A plastic card that allows the owner to transfer money from their bank account immediately., When money goes into your bank account., All the money you earn BEFORE taxes and deductions are taken out of your paycheck, Money paid to the federal government based on your income, money you are paid AFTER taxes and deductions, Money withheld from a person's paycheck by their employer., a yearly tax on homes, land and other property that pays for schools and others city services, a city or state tax added to the price of goods and services., When money is removed from your bank account; usually from an ATM or bank teller, expense - an amount of money used to buy goods or services, income - the amount of money received in a particular time in exchange for work,
Personal Financial Literacy
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