老公 - husband, 老婆 - wife, 父母 - parents, 爷爷 - paternal grandfather, 奶奶 - paternal grandmother, 阿姨 - aunt, 叔叔 - uncle, 女士 - Ms, 鸟 - bird, 鱼 - fish, 介绍 - to introduce, 自己 - oneself; myself; yourself, 年 - year, 常常 - often, 演员 - actor; actress, 画家 - painter, 运动员 - athelte, 商人 - business person, 护士 - nurse, 工程师 - engineer, 经理 - manager, 将来 - in the future, 当 - to do (a job), 得 - practise indicating degree, 非常 - extremely, 好听 - good to listen to, 好看 - pretty; good-looking, 不太 - no so,

(character) AQA Chinese Chapter 3 Family and future



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