1) chomping and gnawing on the log. a) badger b) whet c) strain d) warrior 2) A ____ is a person who dwells or inhabits Wisconsin. a) genesis b) boundless c) fester d) badger 3) The ___ held the fragments together. a) bur b) clasp c) remote d) nucleus 4) The mom ____(ed) the little girls hand to assist her from the tall step. a) clasp b) hinder c) hustle d) badger 5) synonym with cling a) hanker b) ambiguous c) clasp d) commonplace 6) you could describe the fur as unkempt or tousled a) badger b) foliage c) coerce d) mar 7) describe the ____'s feathers as ruffled, unkempt, or tousled a) outspoken b) fledgling c) whet d) boundless 8) The alliance ___ed the countries together. a) crutch b) dwell c) clasp d) fester 9) not dignified or stately a) commonplace b) corrupt c) dormant d) dwell e) crestfallen 10) The town people were placid in the ____. a) genesis b) commonplace c) metropolis d) shackle 11) this can hinder things from being good a) corruption b) modest c) spree d) hover 12) you may create obstacles to evade something you ___ (like the orthodontist) a) dread b) hanker c) badger d) clasp 13) the ___ was bustling in the nest a) fester b) fledgling c) nucleus d) badger 14) you may create a collage with fragments of ___ a) ripple b) foliage c) crutch d) ruffle 15) the ___ on the stately columns belong to the dignified a) foliage b) bur c) placid d) overt 16) We walked on the rustic trail to view the changing ___ in autumn. a) crestfallen b) hover c) foliage d) fledgling 17) synonym with whet and yearn a) rustic b) hanker c) hinder d) hustle 18) my ___ assisted me in becoming a knowledgeable teacher a) collage b) loophole c) venner d) mentor 19) not outspoken, not a hustler, nor rambunctious, or stately  a) warrior b) rampage c) modest d) crestfallen 20) wearing shorts and flip flops in winter a) oddity b) bur c) bustling d) clasp 21) a strain to listen to a) oddity b) outspoken c) mentor d) ambiguous 22) not modest a) outspoken b) remote c) placid d) crestfallen 23) someone who is on a rampage may be ___ a) unkempt b) woebegone c) outspoken d) vague 24) synonym for outspoken a) overt b) vague c) ambiguous d) crutch 25) the dreaded ___ festered in the community a) plague b) overt c) excerpt d) loophole 26) the ___ caused the people to feel crestfallen a) plague b) rowdy c) modest d) bustling 27) relating to fledgling a) gnaw b) nucleus c) plumage d) mosaic 28) could be described with ruffled, tousled, unkempt a) plumage b) plague c) dread d) modest 29) on a rampage, outspoken, rambunctious a) rowdy b) plumage c) assist d) dignified 30) to make unkempt or tousle a) collage b) fester c) rumple d) spree 31) involved in corruption; hinders good things, not a mentor, does not assist a) alliance b) scoundrel c) dignified d) placid 32) to strain or sieve this material a) staid b) specific c) bur d) sediment 33) colander : strain :: ____ : clasp a) tongs b) chomp c) assist d) crutch 34) synonym with hanker a) yearn b) fragment c) dwell d) bur 35) not remote, vague, ambiguous, corrupt, modest a) assit b) mosaic c) spree d) overt 36) a boundless movement of waves a) ripple b) dread c) strain d) hover

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