Magna Carta: limited the power of the king, limited government, due process, no cruel and unusual punishment, trial by jury, English Bill of Rights: model for the U.S. Bill of Rights , individual rights, Mayflower Compact: 1620, Pilgrims, majority rule, social contract, self-government, Federalist Papers: supported ratifying new Constitution, wanted strong central government with restricted power, argued that separation of powers and checks and balances would protect the people from tyranny, Declaration of Independence : July 4, 1776, written by Thomas Jefferson, unalienable rights, explained why colonists wanted to separate from England, The U.S. Constitution: 3 branches of government , strong federal government , can be changed to meet the needs of the people, Articles of Confederation: weak central government, strong state governments, no executive or judicial branch, no power to tax, Shay's Rebellion,

Founding Documents TEKS STAAR 2022



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